CryptoKitty Creators Release New ‘Easy-To-Use’ Ethereum Wallet

Crypto 5 9 2019 LearnCrypto Powered By Wyckoff SMI 2025

Dapper Labs, the creator of CryptoKitties, has released a new Ethereum “smart wallet” called Dapper. The goal? To make crypto and cryptocollectables far easier to use.

“Dapper is the first publicly available ‘smart wallet’ for the Ethereum blockchain,” claims Dapper CEO Roham Gharegozlou. “We’re building Dapper because blockchain is still too hard to access, use, and understand. Dapper’s goal is to make it easy and safe, starting with the technical and design breakthrough of the smart contract wallet itself.”

“Most people today store their cryptocurrency in centralized exchanges (where they can get stolen) or on individual devices (where they can be lost). This prevents them from having a good experience on applications like CryptoKitties. But Dapper solves for this problem. Dapper secures assets in an open source smart contract and gives the user the master keys, optionally staying on as a co-signer to provide features like prepaid transaction fees and fraud monitoring.”

The wallet runs as a Chrome plugin and connects to crypto sites for payments and storage.

Dapper co-founders Roham Gharegozlou, Mack Flavelle, and Dieter Shirley see their wallet as an easy-to-use alterative to difficult crypto software. Just as their CryptoKitties popularized the idea of crypto collectables and nearly brought the concept to the mainstream, Dapper’s goal is to “build a consumer-friendly gateway that offers decentralization without compromise.”

The wallet will work with popular ethereum-based products like DecentralandMixMarvel, and Etheremon, allowing you to keep your crypto and collectables in a secure place.

“Our team is unsatisfied with current solutions: Blockchain’s barrier to entry is still too high, and too many approaches to accessing blockchain compromise the value of the underlying technology,” said Gharegozlou. ” And that’s what Dapper is today: the first step toward making accessing the blockchain as safe and predictable as surfing the internet.”

Image courtesy of Dapper Labs

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